Five Simple Changes

Here are 5 things that will revolutionize politics in BC for good:
#1) Make the budget completely public down to the last tax dollar
Let every British Columbian see where every tax dollar comes from and where every tax dollar
goes. Right down to the last tax dollar, all of this will be available on the internet. If you want to
know how much money Golden Ears Provincial Park spent on toilet paper for the outhouses, you
should be able to find it out in less than 5 minutes online.
#2) Make all government contracts and actions completely public for everyone to see.
Let every British Columbian see everything which the government has agreed to. Before signing
any major contracts the terms and conditions will be made public and available to scrutinize.
If the government signs a contract with a corporation for the water rights to a river in your
province, you deserve to see what is in that contract, and who signed it. If a union is negotiating
with the government, you should be able to see exactly what the contract discussions are.
#3) Give out incentives for uncovering government waste.
Actively encourage all British Columbians to help find ways in which the government can
save money. Each year offer a cash reward for the suggestion that saved the government the
most money while still providing the same or a better quality and level of service to British
#4) Make all votes in the legislature free votes and completely public.
Allow MLA’s to represent their constituencies and the people of the province and not their
political parties or special interest groups. End the idea of legislation failing equaling a vote of
non-confidence. Let the ideas fail, get redrawn, and get re-proposed. If the MLA’s don’t have
confidence in the Premier there should be a vote held specifically for that.
#5) Make all government actions pass the triple sustainability test.
Everything the government does should be Environmentally, Economically, and Socially sustainable.
It should not degrade the environment, or should offset that degradation with improvements elsewhere,
it should make economic sense, and it should promote a positive society.